Digital music boom, but who pays?… Fixed line phones = dinosaurs… Work imperative closes uni places… Worker resource untapped…Quote …

Digital music boom, but who pays?… Fixed line phones = dinosaurs… Work imperative closes uni places… Worker resource untapped…Quote …
Working alone at home can feel like doing a stretch of solitary confinement, but there are ways of improving the outlook. Don’t get stir …
Scott Farquhar tells how, with partner Mike Cannon-Brookes, he built the enterprise software house Atlassian to a global operation turning o…
Background checks, email monitoring, internet usage limits – ripe ground for an employer to either trip up on the laws or miss out on prop…
Tax office penalties waivedThe tax office has announced today that business owners will be given a one-off opportunity to correct past mista…
Sharemarket plunge brings rates rise into picture… Bracks resigns… Seven Network loses case… Retail super sluggish… Unfair dismissal…
Workers waste less time now… The electro photo frame… Video big online… M&A boom lessens litigation…Quote of the day Workers wa…
Paid maternity leave: who should pay? As an employer I try to offer flexibility. But regulators may have another, less inviting, option. …
The hardest sell is of a new product to a new customer. A better sell is an existing product to an existing customer – with a little lever…
M2 Telecommunications founder Vaughan Bowen bought into the industry in 1999, and has hit the $100 million revenue mark in quick time. He te…
Inflation niggles rate worry… House price boom and bust… Bosses take aim at fairness test red tape… Transport consolidates… Business…
Hi Aunty B,
I am in the personal services industry and I keep charging at the $1 million revenue barrier only to be rebuffed.
I can’…