The contenders for the Liberal Party leadership are divided over whether they will seek to block Labor’s proposed industrial relations ref…

The contenders for the Liberal Party leadership are divided over whether they will seek to block Labor’s proposed industrial relations ref…
Highly skilled IT workers are breaking contracts with new employers before they even start work with them to accept lucrative offers from co…
It has always been the role of unions to attempt to protect their members’ jobs – but now it seems they are beginning to use financial r…
The business landscape is about to change. Survival for SMEs will very much depend on not seeing the imminent changes as problems, but as op…
The first tech boom created a swath of new jobs and employment opportunities, and the next wave, Web 2.0, promises even more options. By BRA…
Motivating staff (and not just Gen-Y) is a hot topic. This is also where Maslow’s ‘needs’ pyramid is particularly relevant. For anyone ba…
Small and medium business owners could have less than a month to sack failed employees before Labor introduces new IR laws that make sacking…
Prime Minister elect Kevin Rudd has made it clear he is ready to get on with his agenda for change. He is already planning visits to the Uni…
Former Treasurer Peter Costello has announced he will not be seeking leadership of the Liberal Party, following his party’s defeat in yester…
Labor deputy leader Julia Gillard put some meat on the bones of Labor’s IR policy yesterday, promising that casual workers will remain exe…
Real estate advertising – a key source of revenue for newspapers – is rapidly moving to the online environment, so much so that online r…
Labor leader Kevin Rudd has said in his last major speech before Saturday’s election that he will have an open door to business.Rudd yeste…