Who is best for your business? Labor or Liberal? However you vote, the outcome of the 2007 federal election will make a difference to your b…
Who is best for your business? Labor or Liberal? However you vote, the outcome of the 2007 federal election will make a difference to your b…
Where are the auctions? Is it a coincidence we are facing a federal election while the expected level of auction listings for November have …
Selling your business? Expect the taxman to take an interest (and even conduct an audit). By TERRY HAYES of Thomson Legal & Regulatory. By …
Business and professional associations are big business, with annual revenue of close to $3.8 billion and steady growth forecast for the nex…
The Federal Government’s WorkChoices is such a mess, it is making the much maligned award structure look a better choice. Are awards bett…
A shift in resources to help the taxman chase late-lodging SME owners could be the result of a review into late tax returns by the taxation …
Before you leap on the possible chance to relieve your GST headache, make sure you’re not on a collision course with the taxman. By TERRY …
There is more than one taxman – in fact, franchisors need to be wary of an army of people clipping their ticket. An army of taxmenIf you�…
It’s as though the taxman has a trigger-point list for putting businesses under the microscope. So what are the triggers? By TERRY HAYES o…
There will be a real cost to business from terrorism – but the insidious impost will come from within. I had an experience during the …
WorkChoices increases red tape and complexityA new survey of employers has found that WorkChoices has not been all that it was cracked up to…
The tax office’s compliance program is at least a chance to get your house in order before that knock on the door. By TERRY HAYES of Thoms…