All goods purchased online from overseas retailers will be subject to the goods and services tax within two years, after federal and state t…
All goods purchased online from overseas retailers will be subject to the goods and services tax within two years, after federal and state t…
Australian businesses will find out today if low-value goods purchased from their online international counterparts will be subject to th…
Members of the small business community have welcomed a suggestion by Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey that all overseas online purchases cou…
The campaign to lower the GST threshold was a mistake, says Ian Moir, the chairman of department store chain David Jones. “It set Australi…
Former Treasurer Peter Costello has thrown his support behind calls for a reduction in the GST-free threshold for overseas online purchases,…
The push to reduce the GST import threshold has received a boost thanks to the election, with Coalition-controlled states now pushing for a …
The retail industry is hopeful of eventual change to the GST low-value threshold, but industry leaders say they don’t expect to see anything…
The Government is expected to abandon any plan of reducing the tax-free import threshold of $1,000, opting instead to focus on improving imp…
The retail industry is ramping up its campaign to have the Federal Government abolish the GST-free low value threshold, with the National Re…
The Federal Government’s investigation into lowering the GST-free threshold has recommended action should be taken to improve parcel process…
The National Retail Association says 33,000 jobs will be lost from the retail sector by 2015 unless the Federal Government commits to either…
Retailers’ hopes of having the GST-free import threshold slashed have been dashed after Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten yesterday described…