As part of a new $9 million grant program, the Queensland government is funding four prominent startup accelerators to help establish up to …
The federal government has awarded $3.4 million in funding to 24 innovative projects around the country that support women in science, techn…
The federal government has dished out $11.3 million to a diverse range of innovative products as part of the next round of its Entrepreneurs…
The world is the entrepreneur’s oyster – China, Israel, USA, Ireland and the UK are all going gangbusters in supporting startups and i…
Applying for a government grant is a gruelling and time-consuming process and startups need to be prepared to do the hard yards, Scribble…
A Melbourne startup offering “world-first” eye-tracking technology is one of 10 Australian companies to share in $8.5 million worth of g…
Melbourne entrepreneur Lawrence Harris describes the million-dollar grant his ice-cream manufacturing business will receive from the Victori…