Google has updated its front search page yet again, adding a new feature called the “Knowledge Graph” that allows you to search for a topic …
Google has updated its front search page yet again, adding a new feature called the “Knowledge Graph” that allows you to search for a topic …
Australians are adopting smartphones faster than consumers in the US and major European nations, a new report has revealed. The figures a…
Android has captured more than half of the Australian smartphone market, while Symbian devices and Apple’s iPhone have recorded a year-on-…
The US Senate Judiciary Committee has announced that it will investigate Google and Mozilla’s allegations of anti-competitive behaviour by…
Spending on television advertising in the US grew by 4.5% year-on-year, despite predictions the growth of the internet would erode televisio…
It’s hard to believe, but the Facebook bubble machine officially found another gear last night when the company confirmed it was raising t…
Intel is trying to convince Apple to abandon ARM CPUs in the iPad and iPhone in favour of its x86-based Medfield CPUs, according to new repo…
Microsoft is keen to convince Facebook to develop a phone based on Windows Phone 8 or Windows RT, rather than Android, according to new repo…
Mozilla Foundation, developers of the Firefox web browser, and Google have accused Microsoft of effectively banning competing browsers on it…
I attended an eBusiness roundtable this week at which I learnt quite a few interesting things. Below is a list of things that I gleaned f…
Google is rolling out a new series of networking and tutorial events aimed at growing Australia’s start-up scene and fostering the “enormous…
Google has received a driverless car licence for its autonomous self-driving smart car project, following an approval from the Nevada Depart…