Mic off, clothes on: Five ways to maintain your integrity and sanity when videoconferencing
When you’re running a videoconference, it’s easy to appear a bumbling fool. Here are some tips to ensure you finish the day with your integrity intact.
“To come up with something truly original you have to ignore common sense.”
In this hilarious spoof of tech startups, the team at Vooza r…
Many of us now take for granted the amount of personal information we hand over to the apps we use every day. But would we be quite so blase…
So you have your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google Plus accounts all set up and firing, but you still can’t seem to …
Yes, it has come to this. Too busy (or lazy) in the morning to put on a shirt, tie, jacket and pants? Fear not, “the ‘suitsy’ combines the c…
Still wondering how your business can monetize your web presence? Maybe these two guys have the answer (or not). Gabriel Delahaye and Ma…