It’s been a big week in Canberra, but while the spotlight has been on the NBN and Korea, the issue of small business access to finance conti…
It’s been a big week in Canberra, but while the spotlight has been on the NBN and Korea, the issue of small business access to finance conti…
Cashflow is the lifeblood of any business. Without it a business cannot survive. The problem for start-ups is that the flow initially goes o…
‘Crowdsourcing’ has become an oft-repeated term for businesses looking to engage consumers in decision-making; whether it’s coming up …
When a business is small, the owner can physically see what is going on, can personally review the work of each staff member and will be inv…
Dear Aunty B, I successfully took in VC money in ’98 and used it to build a business which I sold. I have dabbled in a few things since the…
I’ve devised a business plan and am seeking funding. Should I ask for a larger amount in order to help me grow the business? Or are invest…
Last week I wrote about stress testing your business idea and the key issues you need to research and test to discover whether your concept …
There are four things start-up entrepreneurs need to get money out of the banks in the post-GFC climate: a proven idea, a business plan and …
Businesses could delay their investment plan due to the strength of the Australian dollar, a senior banker has warned. Philip Chronica…
Start-up businesses could soon be provided a greater choice in their banking options following a proposed expansion by Australia Post into t…
We recently hit on a great new concept. We’ve built prototypes of 50 new products and have many more ideas in the pipeline. We need more cas…
The government will not follow the UK and Canada and actively encourage the establishment of a bank specifically for small businesses, the n…