In the last two weeks of the year, news emerged that Disney is set to buy the Murdoch family’s 21st Century Fox for more than $US50 billion,…
Studies around the world show the rich keep getting richer and the recently released BRW Rich 200 list gives some insight into how Australia…
The Australian startup ecosystem should embrace refugees if it is to achieve greater cultural diversity, according to the coordinator of an …
“To imagine a better life for you and your family and to make the leap of faith required to leave behind all that is familiar calls for a …
As Australia’s mining sector continues to struggle, it appears the country’s wealthiest magnates are being hit where hurts: the rich lis…
Retail billionaire Solomon Lew has poked his head into the David Jones and Woolworths deal, acquiring a 0.65% interest in retail giant David…
Kevin Rudd hadn’t been in the PM’s seat long before he announced a new refugee policy. In the days since, the issue hasn’t really …
The Lowys say they’ve deserved their $300 million in cash over two decades to run Westfield. Shareholders might disagree, and there’s a…
Some people find it hard to part with their cars or houses. For 82-year-old Frank Lowy, it’s selling multi-million dollar shopping centr…