The recent Labor Party leadership contest has important lessons for franchising at a number of levels, particularly dispute resolution. U…

The recent Labor Party leadership contest has important lessons for franchising at a number of levels, particularly dispute resolution. U…
It’s approaching that time of year again when a national business magazine will publish its list of the fastest-growing franchises in Austra…
There are three fundamental differences for potential franchisees investing in new, lesser-known franchise brands compared to larger househo…
News of the bankruptcy of former Olympic basketballer and high-profile multi-unit franchisee Shane Heal has generally received more attentio…
This article first appeared July 19, 2011. For many people who buy a franchise, it is usually their first time in business. They are ent…
This article first appeared April 5, 2011. The words “buy” and “sell” are often used in relation to the acquisition and transfer of franchis…
The year 2011 has provided many challenges for franchising. Further attempts by state governments to interfere with the legislative framewor…
Conflict can occur in any relationship, and franchising is no different. Franchisees seek to grow profitable businesses in their relati…
Forget what you thought about Generation Y being the next big group of potential franchisees, it appears that baby boomers are driving growt…
The passage of the Small Business Commissioner bill in South Australia’s upper house last week heralds a new and dangerous era for franchisi…
The Federal Government vehemently opposes the introduction of state-based franchise legislation but is largely powerless to prevent its intr…
The future of uniform franchise regulation in Australia is hanging by a thread as a handful of independents and minor parties which control …