The workplace of the future will be a very different one to what we know today thanks to the rise in technology and automation, rapid global…
Think men do better in financial services? Now’s the time to reconsider.
A uniquely all female accounting firm, Healthy Business Financ…
Australian workplaces are getting younger and staff are demanding more flexible work, but experts say too many small businesses still fall i…
Attracting and retaining the best talent is something every small business owner strives for. It’s one of the reasons businesses like to s…
Asking staff to spend 33% fewer hours at work without reducing their pay is not usually high on the priority list of a managing director.
Vanessa Vanderhoek is the founder of Flexible Work Day, which was held this year on Wednesday, June 21. In this piece she explains why we ne…
Accounting firms and financial groups have taken out the top spots on LinkedIn’s 2017 list of the top 25 companies Australians want to work…
When my daughter was just six weeks old my husband and I took the trip of a lifetime. Instead of taking maternity leave at home, I strapped …
When Jayne Hrdlicka became the boss of Jetstar, she was asked if she’d informed her family that she wouldn’t be seeing them anymore.
On April 19 and 20, I had the privilege of chairing the two-day conference, Women in Sales Leadership — Visions of Success, in Sydney whe…
On International Women’s Day in March 2016, then New South Wales Premier Mike Baird reflected that non-flexible working “makes no sense in…