Any person working on a business while employed by another company must be extremely careful while working on their idea or risk potential…

Any person working on a business while employed by another company must be extremely careful while working on their idea or risk potential…
Employment legal centre JobWatch is warning the Fair Work Commission will struggle to cope with a big increase in bullying claims if propose…
The business community is outraged by the Fair Work Commission’s decision to deny any reduction in weekend penalty rates for retail and fa…
More changes to the Fair Work Act to give the Fair Work Commission more power will be announced by the federal government today. The chan…
Under an Abbott government, the Productivity Commission could be charged with overhauling workplace laws, but penalty rates will remain unch…
Three former employees of the Bananacoast Credit Union, who were made redundant only to learn a month later that others had been hired to fu…
Complaints to the Fair Work Ombudsman have soared in the last year with the Ombudsman’s annual report published yesterday revealing last yea…
The Federal Court has slapped a fine of $13,500 on the operator of a Perth childcare centre and it has been ordered to pay $5,000 compensati…
When Labor cynically introduced the Individual Flexibility Arrangements under the Fair Work Act to mimic, somewhat implausibly, Australian W…
More than $206,000 has been reimbursed to past and present employees of Cobbler Plus and Watch Works kiosks across the country, following a …
Small businesses remain “shackled” by unfair dismissal laws, according to a major employer group, following yesterday’s release of a r…
The response to the Federal Government’s review of the Fair Work Act has been pretty predictable from all sides. In the red corner, Wor…