I am often bemused at clients who fail to conduct proper due diligence on international companies prior to doing business with them. When I …

I am often bemused at clients who fail to conduct proper due diligence on international companies prior to doing business with them. When I …
With the Australian dollar surging to US 97.32 cents overnight, many entrepreneurs will be looking for ways to import cheap stock into Austr…
Australian exporters are hurting as the Australian dollar continues to climb above US93c, but experts say stability will help businesses as …
In exporting, it is sometimes difficult to determine when ownership, ie. “title” in a product will transfer to the importer, especially with…
There are hundreds of business grants available across Australia’s federal, state and territory governments, and while the process of gettin…
Exporting your goods or services to the world is a great ambition, but it can be tough. Exporting takes careful research and planning, large…
Entrepreneurs who want to grow their business can use a number of tactics. These include: Expand geographically. Opening another branch …
A confectionary company at the centre of a landmark intellectual property fight with Mars Australia has been placed in voluntary administrat…
I have had a go at US International Trade Agreements before – poor drafting, poor understanding of legal concepts, litigious, disorganised…
Industry experts have warned that a significant shortfall in funding for the Government’s Export Market Development Grant program could forc…
Hi Aunty B, I need some advice from the worldly mind of Aunty B. I have been trying to sort out a bad business decision I made with a compa…
I was reviewing what was supposed to be a Distribution Agreement from the US the other day. The document was to allow my client to impo…