Some of Australia’s leading executives are creating a new lobby to convince export businesses to market themselves overseas, fearing a drop …

Some of Australia’s leading executives are creating a new lobby to convince export businesses to market themselves overseas, fearing a drop …
We’ve all heard the news. According to the latest national accounts, Australia has skipped a technical recession for now. This is quite an e…
The Australian share market opened slightly higher today ahead of the news that the nation’s economy grew by 0.4%, avoiding a recession. …
Exporters are suffering as the Australian dollar heads upwards of 81 US cents for the first time in eight months, but import companies are r…
Industry leaders have called on Trade Minister Simon Crean to clarify comments made about the Export Grant Development Scheme, demanding con…
Australian exporters have been thrown a lifeline from the Government, with Trade Minister Simon Crean reportedly securing an extra $50 milli…
The worsening swine flu pandemic has Australia’s tourism sector worried, with experts concerned that any fall in visitor numbers could compo…
Australian exporters remain optimistic about the future of the offshore operations of their businesses but are being held back by financing …
The Australian sharemarket has opened 1.1% higher today after overseas markets were buoyed by news that the US Government will help life ins…
The housing market continues to be one of the few sources of good economic news, with new figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics s…
The Australian economy will continue to suffer the effects of the financial crisis as world trade continues to collapse against pessimistic …
Austrade has used micro-blogging service Twitter to help set up an online wine auction in Britain, helping introduce Australian winemakers t…