Victorian-based games development studio Firemint has won the Australian Export Award for arts and entertainment. In an award ceremony a…

Victorian-based games development studio Firemint has won the Australian Export Award for arts and entertainment. In an award ceremony a…
As the dollar reached another 13-month high yesterday, exporters were feeling the pinch with an industry expert saying the volatility of wor…
Dear Aunty B, I run a small business with 19 people and about $2.3 million in sales, but I really feel that I have saturated the Australian …
It has been three years coming. But yesterday the Government announced an expansion of the role of the Export Finance and Insurance Corporat…
A couple of unrelated Lehman anniversary events: – Libor (the London interbank rate) has hit a record low. – The US has imposed a 35% tariff…
Imagine a country that is inward looking and rarely notices the world beyond its own borders. There’s double-digit inflation and unemploymen…
The Australian dollar has continued its rally today, hitting a 10-month high of US85c, but exporters warn their industry will be under press…
The worst effects of the global financial crisis (GFC) are over according to Australian exporters. The DHL Export Barometer has found that w…
The Australian share market has opened higher today, led by positive results in the US and good results for mining shares. The benchmark…
The World Bank says six percentage points of China’s growth this year will come from “government-influenced expenditure”, with additional st…
It’s that time again. The 2009-10 financial year is almost upon us, and the Australian Taxation Office is preparing to knuckle down and get …
‘Panda-monium’ rides again! Australia’s amazing recession-dodging week continued with some new evidence how China’s role in regional trade…