The Australian Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) has released a report detailing the exporting intentions of Australian small …

The Australian Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) has released a report detailing the exporting intentions of Australian small …
Companies hoping to get some assistance for exporting may be able to get capital under a new arrangement between NAB and the Export Finance …
The war over the future of the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) continues to rage at the Productivity Commission’s public h…
Australian exporters are battling the toughest market in 30 years, but small business is missing out on help from the Government’s expo…
The Export Finance and Insurance Corporation has struck an agreement with the Commonwealth Bank to guarantee the loans given to small busine…
A cycling accessories company has received a US$600,000 export working capital guarantee from the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation t…
The rising Australian dollar has not deterred small businesses from exporting, according to new research from the Export Finance and Insuran…
The rising Australian dollar has not deterred small businesses from exporting, according to new research. The Export Finance and Ins…
It has been three years coming. But yesterday the Government announced an expansion of the role of the Export Finance and Insurance Corporat…
Australian exporters remain optimistic about the future of the offshore operations of their businesses but are being held back by financing …