Energy providers Origin Australia and EnergyAustralia have been hit with a combined $3 million in penalties by the Federal Court of Australi…

Energy providers Origin Australia and EnergyAustralia have been hit with a combined $3 million in penalties by the Federal Court of Australi…
Energy retailer Simply Energy has paid a $20,400 fine to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission following allegations of mislead…
Australian SMEs can expect to see their annual energy bills fall by as much as 10% as a result of the repeal of the carbon tax. Speaking in …
The alternative energy industry in Australia has been dealt another blow, with the collapse of a company dedicated to helping households and…
SMEs in Victoria have ranked high energy costs as the second biggest pressure on business viability, according to a survey published by Orig…
When Ben Freund and co-founder Leora Freund launched electricity and gas price comparison site GoSwitch in 2008, they broke new ground in th…
It was only seven years ago that Jim Myatt founded Australian Power & Gas, a Melbourne-based gas and electricity retailer. Yesterday,…
It’s not what you know, or even who you know: when it comes to the boardroom, it’s how many people your own connections know that really m…
Let me explain how you can inflict long-term damage to a prosperous country in ten easy steps. Yes, that’s what Australian state and Fe…
The perception is that the mining sector has driven the Australian economy over the past four years. But how does that perception line up ag…
Gina Rinehart made some important discoveries about the Fairfax group last week. The mere suggestion that she could be a seller sent the…
Martin Ferguson may have been premature in declaring the resources boom over but there is no doubt it is shifting into a different phase n…