Yesterday I received a note claiming to be a renewal letter for an internet domain, the part of a web address that appears after the ‘www’ o…
Yesterday I received a note claiming to be a renewal letter for an internet domain, the part of a web address that appears after the ‘www’ o…
I’ve put a lot of work into the look and feel of my website but I haven’t given much thought to the hosting/serving of the site. What ar…
Using a blog to promote your business is often a tool of start-ups, and a blog is often used as the business itself. But while many users ma…
I want to tell you a confession, I love domain names. I have had some interesting run-ins with buying interesting domain names but I…
You first need to register a domain name, which can be done quickly and easily with any domain name registrar. Your URL should be the …
Domain name registrar Melbourne IT has urged businesses to consider taking up the “.co” domain name, with the application period to begin in…
Entrepreneur Dominic Holland has been slammed by Qantas and Westpac after attempting to sell the two companies domain names similar to their…
We currently own a business name (Sydney Designers) and are looking to register a domain name under the same name. However, the domain name …
Australia’s fledgling domain name trading sector has scored its highest ever sale, with sold for $25,500 on exchange site Net…
With names, you really need to start with the end in mind. What is your grand plan for the business? Sell it eventually. Just have the bu…
Corporate clients have a mixed reaction to the proposed advent of new generic top level domains (gTLDs), says Melbourne IT chief executive T…
Domain names have taken on more significance (and value) than just the web’s version your business’s location. AusRegistry’s Adrian Kinderi…