I recently put together a little demo for our client services team, taking them through the various design techniques used to make websites…

I recently put together a little demo for our client services team, taking them through the various design techniques used to make websites…
Even now after 3,099,585 presentations loaded to Slideshare.net on ‘Digital’, ‘Online’, ‘Mobile’ and ‘eCommerce’, there is still reticence …
Whenever I talk to people about their websites there seems to be a sense of passive victimhood, a malaise about 2-5% conversion rates*. W…
Having immigrated to Australia last year, you may find interesting the sage observations of Barrett’s head of sales strategy Peter Finkelste…
It was a big year for social media and digital strategy in 2012 and industry experts are predicting plenty more on the horizon for 2013. Her…
Today we live at home, in business, on the bus, on the train, in the sky, wherever we are in a tech-driven world. You cannot ignore it; you …
Take a look at overseas markets and you get a big insight into what’s ahead for Australian retail. Currently, online sales for UK departme…
Reading Steve Rubel’s recent post “Want to Win Friends? Forget About You and Get People Talking About Me”, I was pleased to see I am not the…
Technology research firm Gartner’s prediction of a chief digital officer becoming a staple in the boardroom is based on major digital transf…
For small businesses, the corporate misalignment of digital and social media to marketing campaigns has levelled the playing field. The oppo…
The Grayling Pulse Autumn 2012 report has found a stunning 22% of global companies on average don’t have a digital strategy. In Europe and N…
Do you know who you are? This is a really important question in today’s digital economy. I was gathering information on this when I came…