Rental pressure on retailers is now being felt by some of the bigger players, with Premier Retail chief Mark McInnes saying the company is e…

Rental pressure on retailers is now being felt by some of the bigger players, with Premier Retail chief Mark McInnes saying the company is e…
Commercial property investment in the Asia Pacific region reached a record $US145 billion during 2010, dwarfing the two previous years and s…
Australian commercial property is heating up, with retail property in the Gold Coast and Melbourne industrial properties among some of the b…
Commercial property sales jumped in the third quarter to a two-year high due to the strong Australian dollar and a strong belief among offic…
Commercial property and land prices may face some upwards pressure as part of an expansion war currently being fought between giant retailer…
Commercial property conditions continued to deteriorate in the June quarter, with sentiment falling across all sectors and is especially low…
Commercial property owners, including businesses, must prepare for new regulations requiring all owners to reveal a building’s energy rating…
Bad loans in the commercial property sector are a greater threat to financial institutions than mortgage stress and the outlook for the sect…
Real estate companies have seen their industry hit hard by the downturn, with major sales in the commercial and industrial sectors all but d…
Despite last week’s warning from the International Monetary Fund that commercial property could hinder an economic recovery, the Australian …
Commercial property investors should take advantage of good deals now in order to lock in big returns as the market recovers, a new report w…
Residential property prices could fall by as much as 10% once the Federal Government’s enlarged First Home Owner’s Grant is reduced from Oct…