Hopefully your efforts will take you to the next problem – recruiting staff. This can be difficult for the small home-based enterprise. He…

Hopefully your efforts will take you to the next problem – recruiting staff. This can be difficult for the small home-based enterprise. He…
Aspen Medical provides doctors on demand. It has grown fast since it was founded in 2003, and co-founder Glenn Keys shares what he has learn…
It is a real crime when the only thing a business values are profits. I was going to write a blog this week about some things I have lear…
Feedback is important – both giving it and receiving. Here are some essential tips to make it work better for your business. Feedback …
More ‘unretired’ Name your price for magazine subscription Printer rage Female-friendly trains Int?rn?t, I love you Unretired working peo…
How to get things out of the too-hard basket. Focus and business fortunesThings can be complicated or they can be simple. It is a matter of…
If Costello’s tsunami rolls in, surfing it safely is not an option. But keeping your head above its water – maybe. Here are some tips… …
Running a retail business means running risks, and where leasing is involved these can be downright dangerous. Here is a watch-list, but als…
Hi Aunty B,
My business partner and I have always done related acquisitions that have added market share, revenue, customers an…
Dear Aunty B,
My latest BAS just cleaned me out, and some cash flow projections indicate I am going to spend yet another profitless year…
Dirty streets = clever adsAnti-social networkingFree internet with your coffeeOnline design service Dirty streets = clever ads Those who li…
Handled well, cash flow is what allows your business to sustain itself. Handled poorly, its affect on business can be devastating. Survivin…