Dear Aunty B, One of my clients is absolutely toxic. I am tempted to tell them where to go but strategically should I hold my fire until th…

Dear Aunty B, One of my clients is absolutely toxic. I am tempted to tell them where to go but strategically should I hold my fire until th…
Style adaptability is where a person can read another person’s preferred communication style and adjust their own communication style to tha…
If you have ever moved your banking business you will have experienced penalties, stress, frustration, endless paperwork and the pain of set…
Run a mental checklist over your client base right now. Who fits into the ‘good’ client list and who falls into the ‘bad’ client list? …
It takes energy and perseverance to win new business in the toughest economic conditions since the Great Depression. Here are six fundamenta…
I am asked all the time to help businesses find growth drivers. Almost without exception, I ask them about the compliance requirements assoc…
Sometimes it is what we don’t know which constrains our growth. If you only knew why some prospects weren’t buying your product or service y…
You better believe it! Does it really matter if you’re right? Yes it does, but not at the expense of making your customer wrong. If I ha…
When a business launches a new website there is typically some fanfare. Congratulatory emails abound. Executives make laudatory announcement…
Like any medium that captures the public imagination, Twitter brings a myriad of opportunities to strengthen customer relationships and buil…
Dear Aunty B, I run a start-up business that is in a niche space. But we are fairly easy to copy and I feel very vulnerable. Now a newcomer …
Dear Aunty B, I run a start-up business that is in a niche space. But we are fairly easy to copy and I feel very vulnerable. Now a newcomer …