I’ve always found that it is the little things that matter – if a company wants my business, it should be able to spell my name. It’s…
I’ve always found that it is the little things that matter – if a company wants my business, it should be able to spell my name. It’s…
Oliver Roydhouse was just 23 when he started his company Inlink, manufacturer and installer of screens in office tower elevators, in 1999. B…
It is an issue that can polarise SMEs, but any business that is put up for sale will have to make a decision one way or another. By TOM McKA…
The online community that is web 2.0 is a force that cannot – should not – be ignored. Effectively engaging with ‘citizen media’ wil…
Deals for private equity getting tougher Private equity firms are finding it harder to get access to capital for leveraged buyouts, accordin…
Think home-based businesses are hobbyists? Forget it! The “homepreneurs” are a serious, and seriously skilled group, determined to succe…
First impressions count even more for new SME employees New employees decide to leave an SME in a much shorter time frame compared to those …
I’m grateful for many of my bad customers. They’ve taught me so much. I think that my journey to love bad customers started with Wa…
New market for mobilesHere’s one answer to the problem of market saturation for mobile phone sellers: go younger to the pre-teens. Trendhh…
Difficult people are everywhere – and although I haven’t met every one of them, there are some practical steps you can take to handle most…
IR brings left and right into centreThe surprise Coalition changes to WorkChoices announced Friday and which came into effect yesterday mean…
I’ve also been guilty of only measuring growth by hard KPIs, but there is more to it than that, and more at stake. There is that old …