This article first appeared on June 22, 2011. I’ve always found it strange that some entrepreneurs are awkward about asking their custo…
This article first appeared on June 22, 2011. I’ve always found it strange that some entrepreneurs are awkward about asking their custo…
When a potential customer makes an enquiry through your website, how quickly do you think they need a response? Within a few hours?…
We get various emails, comments, calls etc about our service, both good and bad. How do I decide what suggestions to act upon and what to pu…
Business owners can be extremely protective of their business, which is why so many are lost for words when customers complain. But han…
When you look at your competitor, what do you see? Most of the time, I bet that you focus on the things they do badly, or the defic…
Depending on what industry you are in, there is likely to be a website where members of the sector gather to get news and exchange views. …
When a business gets a complaint about its product or service the immediate thought is to fix the problem, make the customer happy and get o…
I have set up a Twitter and Facebook presence for my new business, but I’m unsure what approach to take. Should I communicate offers and p…
I hear great business ideas in Australia every single day, as well as some absolute shockers. One thing I always question when someone comes…
Many start-ups don’t have the money to hire firms to conduct market research. However, many companies are able to do their own market rese…
You need to offer customers an experience they can’t receive anywhere else. This can range from the quality of your product, to the level …
They say what you don’t know can bite you. This should be the rule when it comes to evaluating a potential acquisition. It is the unsaid and…