Small businesses are being encouraged to review any additional fees they charge for credit card use, with the consumer watchdog reporting th…
Running a small business is hard work and often involves juggling day-to-day priorities, which can mean many SME owners don’t feel like they…
You will often hear a small business owner complain about the banks ‘taking their cut’ of every transaction.
The cost of having a tr…
Excessive surcharge legislation has now been extended to small businesses, with the changes coming into effect on 1 September. However, pl…
It’s never been easier for consumers to find the cheapest prices; in the age of the search engine, a few cents might mean the difference b…
Misleading conduct by other businesses continues to be at the top of the list of concerns among the SMEs that are contacting the competition…
The competition watchdog has been given stronger powers to crack down on excessive credit card surcharges after the Senate yesterday passed …
Retailers have welcomed the federal government’s move to adopt stricter measures when it comes to credit card surcharges, saying the go…
Businesses must clearly display details of credit card surcharges or risk losing customers and even possible legal action, consumer group Ch…