The uncertainty is over, and now the lobbying can begin. That is the message from Australia’s business community, which have welcomed the ch…
The uncertainty is over, and now the lobbying can begin. That is the message from Australia’s business community, which have welcomed the ch…
Small business has backed a Labor election proposal to pressure banks to waive fees for credit card holders if they exceed their credit limi…
Small business lobby group COSBOA will send a brochure outlining its view on the major parties’ policies to voters in five key marginal seat…
In 1999, the then Clinton administration Education Secretary, Richard Riley, said: “We are currently preparing children for jobs that don’t …
Federal Opposition leader Tony Abbott has made his first big pitch to SME voters, promising to create a Small Business and Family Enterprise…
New COSBOA chief executive Peter Strong is disappointed new Prime Minster Julia Gillard has not spoken directly about small business and wil…
Small business lobby group COSBOA has lost its fifth director since March, with Michael Pruscino from the Australian Newsagents Federation s…
Peter Strong, a director of the peak small business body COSBOA has denied the organisation is experiencing upheaval, despite the resignatio…
Why has Jaye Radisich left COSBOA? And what will she do now? This is the question swirling through the small business community after t…
Council of Small Business of Australia chief executive Jaye Radisich has resigned unexpectedly, with sources saying tensions at board level …
Retailers are furious with the Government’s decision to dramatically increase cigarette taxes and force cigarette companies to use plain pac…
The Coalition has said it will scale back temporary immigration visas if it wins office in the federal election this year, with a spokespers…