Later today, Treasurer Wayne Swan will hand down his fifth Federal Budget. Swan has already warned the budget will be of the slash-and…
Later today, Treasurer Wayne Swan will hand down his fifth Federal Budget. Swan has already warned the budget will be of the slash-and…
A roundtable hosted by the Council of Small Business of Australia and The Tax Institute has prompted calls for next week’s Budget to inclu…
A roundtable hosted by the Council of Small Business Australia and the Tax Institute yesterday prompted calls for next week’s Budget to in…
Small business insolvencies have reached record levels with the number of companies placed into external administration in February at the h…
The Council of Small Business of Australia and The Tax Institute will hold a round table in May, with the aim of clarifying the definition o…
SMEs have begun lobbying the Government for a change in the definition of “small business”, arguing there are too many descriptions acro…
The Productivity Commission has called for small business drought assistance to be scrapped and wants the Government to stop subsidising pre…
An interim review of GST distribution has backed retailers in their push for the Government to address the growth of offshore sales by intro…
Business confidence in the global economy has rebounded sharply according to Ernst & Young’s Capital Confidence Barometer. The surve…
Small business lobbyists have used an inaugural business forum to call for regulatory reform, including measuring the impact of regulation o…
The Council of Small Business of Australia says the Liberal National Party’s landslide Queensland election win provides an opportunity to …
The Reserve Bank is considering a plan to ban businesses from imposing excessive credit card charges on customers, but an expert says the mo…