Victoria’s government-backed startup advocacy and development agency LaunchVic has announced it will be bringing the Tech Inclusion Conferen…
It seemed like the perfect coup. On the steps of the Sydney Town Hall, Freelancer chief executive Matt Barrie and Victorian minister for inn…
The Victorian government says it will no longer be providing support to bring the StartCon conference to Melbourne and will instead be provi…
An event company that had sold tickets to a series of motivational seminars with actress Reese Witherspoon has collapsed into voluntary liqu…
An Australian publishing and conference provider that has been operating for more than 50 years has collapsed into voluntary administration….
Female business personnel looking to further their careers will now have an extra chance to become “visible” in corporate life, as a gro…
The objective behind customer engagement is to find different ways to connect to your customers to continue the relationship, show your appr…
A little cheekily, this was one of my tweets (@kirstydunphey) from the recent (and fabulous) ARPM (Australasian Residential Property Managem…
To some budding entrepreneurs, the small business trade show sector conjures up the image of drafty exhibition halls full of bored looking d…