Every so often you may find your computer is running slowly, even though you haven’t installed any new programs. While there cou…
Every so often you may find your computer is running slowly, even though you haven’t installed any new programs. While there cou…
It’s often that a computer user will want to install a new piece of hardware, but they won’t actually know their other specs to make sur…
In this world of iPads and memes it’s easy to forget that there are people out there who have never used a computer. No, not babies…
Failure is weighing heavily on Weekend Reads’ mind, especially given the huge haircut Rupert has just had to take on MySpace. How do…
The rise of wide-screen LCD monitors has been a great thing for the computer industry – now users are able to store more data on the one s…
If you’re using a PC then no doubt you’ll be working on the Microsoft Office suite. And in the last few years each version has provided …
Keeping your computer on all night is one of the biggest sins you can commit while working in an office, but unfortunately too many people m…
The tech world has been eyeing up Microsoft’s new Windows 8 user interface, which spans desktop of tablet devices, this week. Here, the so…
If you’re guilty of keeping every file you’ve ever been given, you may need to wipe some files to free up some computer space. Com…
It may seem like a simple task – but very few computer users know how to actually uninstall a program correctly. And leaving unnecessary p…
Everyone uses USB drives now – especially busy entrepreneurs who are switching back and forth between computers. But sometimes th…
Backing up your data is absolutely crucial, especially when you’re a start-up. Windows 7 has a great automatic backup feature that will do…