Despite countless inquiries over several decades that have concluded there is no need to legislate to prevent so-called ‘’creeping’’…

Despite countless inquiries over several decades that have concluded there is no need to legislate to prevent so-called ‘’creeping’’…
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has revealed what business can and cannot do in the lead up to the implementation of th…
Dear Aunty B, I have just lost a top member of our management team to a large organisation. I tried to keep him using all the tools in my…
As it rocked backward and forward rhythmically, the kookaburra became even more fascinating to me. While the branch it perched upon swaye…
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has commenced a formal investigation into price information sharing arrangements in the r…
The transparency created by online shopping and the parity of the Australian and US dollars have cast light on one area dear to all shoppers…
Selling is a contact sport and when it comes to competitors it should be full body contact! Competition serves the collective good. Merch…
Coles has denied that it has increased the price of petrol sold through its Coles Express outlets in order to subsidise its savage cuts to m…
Dear Aunty B, Our business is in a nightmare industry that is very dependent on the whims of government. Recently there was a change t…
I just got off the phone with a friend who was telling me about the time she was shopping for a new service provider. Being an avid res…
Dear Aunty B, To make a long story short, I left a large hopeless corporate, took a niche that they were ignoring and set up a successful b…
Consumer group Choice has called for the establishment of a supermarket ombudsman, saying it would help solve issues relating to competition…