The competition watchdog commenced further legal proceedings against Coles today, alleging the supermarket giant engaged in unconscionable c…
The competition watchdog commenced further legal proceedings against Coles today, alleging the supermarket giant engaged in unconscionable c…
Associations representing thousands of small and medium Australian accommodation providers have slammed a decision by the competition wa…
Petrol retailers and convenience stores have faced the court to reject claims a third-party website listing petrol pump prices every 15 minu…
Supermarket giant Coles has been banned from advertising that its bread is freshly baked or baked on the day it is sold for three years. In …
South Australian Senator Nick Xenophon has called for the reintroduction of laws outlawing price discrimination, as concerns grow Woolworths…
Members of the Australian book industry have spoken out against the Harper competition review’s recommendation the federal gover…
Restrictions on retail trading hours and limits on parallel imports should be abolished, according to the federal government’s “root and…
Master Grocers Australia (MGA) and Liquor Retailers Australia (LRA) is calling for once in a generation changes to competition laws to count…
Big business lobby groups have set out to crush the reform of Australia’s competition law spearheaded by Small Business Minister Bruce Bil…
The competition watchdog has launched legal proceedings in the Federal Court against petrol price comparison website Informed Sources and BP…
Former Treasurer Peter Costello has thrown his support behind calls for a reduction in the GST-free threshold for overseas online purchases,…
A major Australian kitchen blender company attempted to engage in price fixing and resale price maintenance, according to the Australian Com…