Legislation to introduce an effects test into Australian competition law made its way into the House of Representatives on parliament’s la…
Legislation to introduce an effects test into Australian competition law made its way into the House of Representatives on parliament’s la…
Despite the well publicised closure of some manufacturing sectors in Australia, manufacturing isn’t dying.
Instead, like industry aroun…
By Steve Worthington, Swinburne University of Technology
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is planning to deny …
Digital disruption can be exciting, as long as your business is the one with the potential to revolutionise an industry, or one of the benef…
Viewed from the bubble of Silicon Valley, the world often looks like a single undifferentiated market.
There are plenty of examples that …
Reports that privately-owned German retailer the Schwarz Group has moved to register trademarks in Australia for its massive one-stop discou…
“It isn’t different enough?”
To which my next question is “different from whom and why do you care?” Because a customer doesn�…
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has outlined areas for concern over fair contracts in seven Australian business sectors …
Supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths will be forced to replicate the model used by German discount grocer Aldi or face financial ruin, ac…
It’s been a steep learning curve for the team at Lounge Lovers, but what started as an online-only furniture sales portal in 2011 is now a…
Workplace messaging start-up Slack has gone head to head with Microsoft, addressing the tech giant in a very public way after the release of…
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission may be looking to increase its power to regulate mergers and acquisitions of local tech s…