As Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison meets with state leaders at COAG today following a meeting of state treasurers, both sides are bla…
The Real Estate Institute of Australia has reacted fiercely to the Council of Australian Governments’ proposed new national licensing standa…
It’s the case of the mysterious red tape. As soon as there are moves to cut red tape for business it seems equal amounts of onerous regu…
Streamlining business regulations and cutting red tape could add $6 billion every year to the country’s gross national product by 2020, ac…
The Prime Minister has agreed to speed up approvals for big projects and cut regulation but business leaders say they will be watching to en…
Small business lobbyists have used an inaugural business forum to call for regulatory reform, including measuring the impact of regulation o…
The business community has risen up against “green tape”, asking Julia Gillard and the premiers to scrap “futile” green energy schem…
Liberal premiers are working to take control of the Federal-state agenda to overcome obstacles in the Gillard Government’s process, and pu…
The Australian Federal Government says it is unlikely to adopt an initiative like the Red Tape Challenge, a high profile blitz on regulation…
The Government will spend $125.2 million over the next four years to establish a single, national register for business names that will mean…