The insulation industry has been thrown into chaos after the Government announced over the weekend it had scrapped the $1,200 insulation reb…
The insulation industry has been thrown into chaos after the Government announced over the weekend it had scrapped the $1,200 insulation reb…
Over 400,000 houses have been installed with insulation made up of cheap imported goods which could be a massive safety risk, a Senate inqui…
Pressure on Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett is increasing, with the Opposition calling for his resignation and anoth…
Over 90% of SMEs say their environmental credentials had no impact on whether they had won or lost customers over the past 12 months, a surv…
Insulation industry experts have attacked the Government’s insulation rebate program, saying rorting by unscrupulous and unsafe installers h…
A small army of green SMEs conducting energy assessments under the Government’s Green Loans scheme are being forced to scale back their oper…
After dramatically grabbing the Liberal leadership from Malcolm Turnbull last year on the issue of climate change, Opposition leader Tony Ab…
Against all expectations, Tony Abbott and Greg Hunt have actually come up with a clever climate change policy, and certainly one that will c…
Federal Opposition leader Tony Abbott has announced plans for a $2.5 billion emissions reduction fund in order to reduce carbon levels by 20…
The decision by the government to propose a 5 per cent emissions reduction, but to offer more cuts if other key countries take that step, sh…
A group of large energy companies have lobbied the Federal Government to remove solar hot water heaters from the renewable energy target sch…
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has confirmed it is watching the evolving green business sector closely after forcing a g…