Technology companies from the US and Japan have made their mark on a new list of top global technology companies, with business intelligence…
Australian retailer Woolworths has secured a spot in LinkedIn’s 2017 list of the best company pages on the professional networking platform,…
Business leaders, especially those in tech, like to do a bit of crystal ball gazing and what they sometimes predict can be pretty eye-openin…
A new innovation centre focusing on the Internet of Things has launched in Sydney as the global IT firm behind it pledges to contribute $US1…
The board for Victoria’s independent body representing startups is the first in the Australian innovation sector to have women outnumberin…
The ability to buy products directly from a video presentation may not be new but shoppable video is about to reach a critical tipping po…
Late last month Cisco Systems released its annual Visual Networking Index that tracks the company’s predictions for the growth of global n…
It is now official, on August 4, 2014, Gartner updated its magic quadrant on unified communications (UC). Last year when Microsoft fell jus…
Sales of Wi-Fi and other WLAN (wireless local area network) equipment are booming as a result of increasing tablet use and business BYOD (br…