The Turnbull government will release its innovation statement in the next few weeks, and it’s widely expected to include tax breaks for…

The Turnbull government will release its innovation statement in the next few weeks, and it’s widely expected to include tax breaks for…
A Federal Court judge has attacked superannuation breaks in the tax system as “totally skewed” in favour of the rich. Justice Edmonds cr…
If the federal government is looking to boost its tax revenue, it might be worth taking a closer look at the company accounts of one of Aust…
Residents in the Sydney suburb of Mosman paid the most income tax in 2011-12, according to data released by the Australian Tax Office today….
The small business sector has been handed its fourth minister in two years, with former immigration minister Chris Bowen assuming the role a…
Small Business Minister Brendan O’Connor will step aside from the portfolio, with Immigration Minister Chris Bowen now set to take on the ro…
Research released yesterday revealed the cost to small business of meeting its GST compliance obligations is roughly 50% higher in Australia…
Australia’s tax system has been labelled too complex, after a new report revealed the time spent on tax compliance has increased fourfold …
The government’s Small Business Support Line spends most of its time fielding calls about government red tape according to usage figures p…
The government’s Small Business Support Line spends most of its time fielding calls about government red tape according to usage figures p…
Small businesses are spending almost 500 hours a year on tax red tape according to research presented at a taxation conference in Sydney tod…
The Government has confirmed the CSIRO has successfully settled litigation over the licensing of its wireless local area network technology …