The pandemic paradox: How COVID-19 has also created opportunities to improve how we do business
As we emerge from the COVID-19 economic crisis, some positive changes will help redefine the "new normal", says Jana Matthews.
Leadership in a crisis: You need to ask your team these six questions
Not only are business owners, founders and team leaders now leading remote, virtual teams, but they are leading remote, virtual teams through a crisis.
I was once told ‘you’re not a typical founder’ — but there’s nothing typical about startupland
During the capital raising process, I was told: "You don’t fit the typical founder persona.” It was a comment that left me a little confused.
The three mistakes that send leaders off the rails
Leaders often report feeling pressured, scrutinised, criticised and isolated. Leadership is as challenging as it is rewarding.
Whatever you think you know about ‘good leadership’ is wrong
Greater diversity leads to greater yields for business, and inclusive and empathetic leadership breeds productivity, loyalty and motivation.
The 15 traits of ideal co-workers: How many do you know?
All ideal co-workers have some or all of these 15 traits. So how many ideal co-workers do you know? And how do you stack up?