“Extremely problematic”: Back to office push harming those with caring responsibilities
Demanding that staff return to work physically in the office disproportionately affects those with caring responsibilities, usually women.
Remote work and productivity: Top four myths busted
The future of the workplace revolves around FATPC -- Flexibility (remote work), Adaptability, Trust, Productivity and Connection.
How supporting the diverse needs of employees improves gender equality
While most people agree that hybrid work is here to stay, the conversation remains open as to what exactly that should look like.
‘Probably not going to work out’: Amazon CEO’s message to remote employees
Amazon’s three-day-a-week policy replaced previous policies that enabled individual teams to decide on working from home.
Return to office mandates by employers: What the law says
Can an employer, having first directed you to work from home, now turn around and mandate you don’t?
CEO video goes viral with potshots at ‘quiet quitting’ workers and breadwinning mothers
Another day in business, another viral CEO spray. This time it was James Clarke, CEO at Clearlink, the digital marketing and technology firm.
Slack’s influential remote work think tank reportedly axed as parent company considers return to office
Slack's Future Forum, a think tank and research group focused on remote work, will reportedly shut down as senior leaders of parent company Salesforce publicly advocate for back-to-office policies.
eBook: The remote work report
Download this report for insights on how to make informed decisions for your business and help you support your team in 2022 and beyond.
Don’t kill your competitive difference: Why businesses shouldn’t make remote work permanent
If you’re older and experienced, remote working is fine, because you’re comfortable with the work territory. The same can't be said for younger workers.
Three-day weekends for all: How COVID-19 has accelerated a fall in average hours worked
Hours worked in Australia have been trending downwards some time... and that was before COVID-19 hit. Is a three-day weekend becoming more likely?
Working from home? 11 tips for delivering great presentations remotely
Working from home? Here are 11 tips to help you deliver great presentations remotely including how to set the scene and keep you audience engaged.
How Teamgage’s new COVID-19 tool won over 1,200 users in three days
Teamgage is rolling out a COVID-19 update to its continuous digital improvement technology, and is about to take advantage of a $350,000 grant to boot.