Twitter is set to finalise its $US40 million purchase of UK-based start-up Tweetdeck, in a cash and shares deal. The deal, set to be o…

Twitter is set to finalise its $US40 million purchase of UK-based start-up Tweetdeck, in a cash and shares deal. The deal, set to be o…
Business leaders have again questioned the merits of a carbon tax, urging the Government to focus on protecting jobs and the economy in the …
Finance Minister Penny Wong has dismissed Tony Abbott’s budget reply as uninformative and negative, but a small business lobbyist says the…
SMEs have highlighted their concerns about the Federal Government’s proposed carbon tax, with a new survey revealing more than half believ…
Less than a quarter of SMEs would vote for the Gillard Government if an election was held in the near future because they have become the �…
A coalition of businesses has thrown its support behind the Government’s push to put a price on carbon, with trucking company Linfox a surpr…
Small businesses groups will continue to negotiate with the government over the impact of the carbon tax after it was revealed that the pric…
The latest Roy Morgan research reveals consumer confidence has fallen 2.6 points in a week to 116.2 points, as the carbon tax debate heats u…
Clarke and Dawe talk carbon tax. {qtube vid:=zVbQMIl4JnE} If you’ve got a funny video to share with our community, send it to feedback@…
Bluescope chairman Graham Kraehe has set out what almost every Australian business person fears – that political and public service incomp…
The repetition of the carbon tax debate is perhaps best illustrated by Clarke and Dawe. {qtube vid:=PGXGoYRKfnA} If you’ve got a funny…
Julia Gillard and Greg Combet are in danger of falling into the same carbon trap that caught Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong – they do not reali…