Car manufacturing startup Tomcar Australia has entered voluntary administration, citing high manufacturing costs and concerns with investors…
The government will soon charge the Productivity Commission with delivering a draft report on the car industry, according to a report in The…
The automotive industry has directed a scathing attack at the Labor government after the release of new sales data, showing car purchases dr…
Melbourne-based vehicle manufacturing start-up Tomcar is midway through the production of its first run of all-terrain vehicles, all 100 …
The latest mining-tax-style campaign has kicked off this week: the Australian Salary Packaging Industry Association’s crusade against ch…
As it turns out, the best part about Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s announcement this week of a shift to an emissions trading scheme has nothin…
Want to end a recession and save the planet? It’s easy: just pay a bonus for buying a new car. It’s the one item everyone is looking for an …
The Opposition has called for amendments to a car industry assistance program, after it emerged that a key Government export agency has agre…
The global recession is over, and – would you believe it – the world is being led out of the darkness by none other than the car industry. …