Killing a technology product is never a clean process, as Google well knows. Microsoft shows the way to deal with a failed project and we’re…

Killing a technology product is never a clean process, as Google well knows. Microsoft shows the way to deal with a failed project and we’re…
I grabbed a quick coffee with Zendesk founder and CEO Mikkel Svane and his Australian manager Michael Hansenlast week where they told me abo…
Two years ago, French technology firm Atos raised eyebrows after announcing the company would go email free. Atos CEO Thierry Breton said…
“Last year’s mobile data traffic was nearly 12 times the size of the entire global internet in 2000.” That little factoid from Cisco’s 20…
Telecommuting promised, or still promises, to free caged office workers from their cubicles, relieve the sardine-tin conditions on our peak …
Earlier this week I spoke at the Ovations Speaker Showcase about the 20 Trends for 2020, the big economic and technology trends that will de…
On Tuesday, ABC Radio 702 Sydney asked me to comment on Adobe, Apple and Microsoft being summonsed to appear before the Federal Parliament’s…
Last weekend’s story that The New York Times was attacked by Chinese hackers following a story exposing the financial details of the nation’…
The man who invented the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, spoke at the launch of the CSIRO’s Digital Productivity and Services Flagship …
If you’re the type of person who closely reads your bills and the letters from your gas supplier or phone company detailing changes in your …
Last week Taiwanese technology website Digitimes reported Asustek have shipped their last eeePC netbooks, bringing to an end a product that …
In business as in life, your bad actions can come back to bite you. In Buddhism it’s called karma – gran used to call it getting your just…