It’s old hat to point out the internet is changing business and globalisation is making the world smaller. But last Tuesday I saw three busi…

It’s old hat to point out the internet is changing business and globalisation is making the world smaller. But last Tuesday I saw three busi…
Nearly a year after it was identified, the Conficker computer worm continues to plague Windows users, infecting systems controlling everythi…
The classic entrepreneur’s dream is to take a business from four people operating out of a spare room into a worldwide success. A start up m…
It’s hard to resist the offer of a free sandwich in Sydney’s Hyde Park on a beautiful spring day, so a “tweet up” offering was always going …
At school, kids who tried to buy friends always found it ended badly. There is little reason to believe things are any different for grown u…
Today’s column was going to be about the recent reports from Europe on a certain brand of mobile phone exploding, but despite a weekend of d…
Barely two weeks after eBay revealed they may be forced to close down Skype, Microsoft has been ordered by a Texas court to cease selling Mi…
“My friend cannot find work so he wants to start a computer repair business. Do you think this is a good idea?” When a taxi driver or an…
Last week’s story of how Skype may be forced to shut down is straight from the Bill Gates textbook on how to do business. In late 1980, …
To help businesses establish themselves on Twitter, the service has released a free guide to show companies how to use it, to help them buil…
We haven’t had a good stand-up fight in the computer industry for years; however it appears we now have the biggest ever as Google and Micro…
We often talk about how the internet is changing marketing and distribution, but we often overlook just how fundamental the basic ways we do…