As we continue to be amazed by the scope of the News of the World hacking scandal it’s worth considering how valuable our personal and bus…

As we continue to be amazed by the scope of the News of the World hacking scandal it’s worth considering how valuable our personal and bus…
It’s often said that the real money in a gold rush is made by those who sell picks and shovels, with a great example yesterday’s announc…
Last weekend’s announcement that the LulzSec group of jolly hackers was breaking up was met with bemusement after one of the most mysterio…
As we discussed in 2008, there’s a new type of internet address about to sweep into the online world. It may well change the web, but not …
Management speak is fascinating in the way the language constantly develops new words and phrases. One term gaining currency right now is th…
We all claim to want a simple life, but sometimes we make things too darned complex by slapping layers of technology on problems that should…
Last night the NSW Government launched Digital Sydney, an initiative to bring together the various groups that make up the digital media and…
When new technologies appear it’s interesting how people experiment and adapt to them, we’re seeing this right now as businesses grapple wit…
Some years back a crook computer repairer did the rounds of Sydney and regional NSW. For all his sins, Joe, as we’ll call him, always stood …
Tonight we see the first budget of the Gillard Government and one of its stated priorities is to get the long-term unemployed, disabled and …
When I was asked at the beginning of the year if I’d be a mentor on a Young Entrepreneur Program it was a tough decision, I was writing a …
Reports last week that foreign “hackers” had intercepted emails between Australian government officials and miners raised the issue of email…