This article first appeared August 11, 2009. Starting a company can be a lonely, stressful, exhilarating, scary and wonderful adventure. To…
This article first appeared August 11, 2009. Starting a company can be a lonely, stressful, exhilarating, scary and wonderful adventure. To…
We have put together a great one page strategic plan, now some of the management team would like to let the staff have a copy. I’d like to k…
Pretty much on a weekly basis I get sent ideas, business plans and/or information memorandums for capital raising. Everyone who sends me one…
Dear Aunty B, I’m 25 years old. I started a product sourcing business and since I started my life has been on edge regarding cash. Now, I’m…
A new survey commissioned by St George has unearthed some interesting facts about sole traders, not least of which is that 61% start their d…
Dear Aunty, I have too many ideas which stops me from getting anything done. I feel like my brain is always in top gear… thinking of easie…
Dear Aunty B, We are a small business (two years old and 10 staff) and in the past few months have seen solid evidence of the recovery. …
The short answer is – go back to basics. Treat your company like a start-up business by getting hungry and enthusiastic and don’t think yest…
I am a business manager. I have an IT manager and a technician who report to me but I want to outsource. The business is no longer being sup…
Starting a company can be a lonely, stressful, exhilarating, scary and wonderful adventure. To help guide you through the process, we’ve ass…
Dear Aunty B,
After surviving until now, I find that I need to let some staff go. The obvious person to go is paid a lot. He also lacks n…
It is widely acknowledged that business plans are out-of-date as soon as they are written and yet we still persist on doing them and need th…