Dear Ms Manners, If I’m at a business lunch and my chicken is raw or I put something in my mouth I don’t want to eat, what do I do? Can…

Dear Ms Manners, If I’m at a business lunch and my chicken is raw or I put something in my mouth I don’t want to eat, what do I do? Can…
Dear Ms Manners, Last week you talked about branding yourself. I love this idea and I’ve picked how I want to portray myself, but sometim…
Dear Ms Manners, I’m nervous meeting new people at functions and even worse if I have to speak in front of people. Do you have any sugges…
Dear Ms Manners, I was at a formal boardroom lunch the other day when I got up to leave the table and put my serviette on my plate. A w…
I was told my handshake was like a “dead fish” – how do I shake hands? I don’t want to be seen as a weak woman to people I work with…
I had what I thought was a red-hot sales lead, so I took the prospective client out for a coffee. Unfortunately, I haven’t landed the sale a…