With the echoes of outrage reverberating across the Australian landscape, Kraft yesterday announced they were pulling the name iSnack 2.0. …

With the echoes of outrage reverberating across the Australian landscape, Kraft yesterday announced they were pulling the name iSnack 2.0. …
Vegemite is a storied Australian brand name. Products don’t often transcend to become brands in their own right, but for generations of “hap…
Far too often we are advised that the only way we can create substantial competitive advantage is to build some unique intellectual property…
I’ve always been a fan of questions. “Always ask questions” is one of my core values and was a key culture point at my old company. So when …
The short answer is everything. This week I am picking up from last week’s blog on values. A number of years ago I wrote an article with…
As a small business owner I am really only accountable to myself and so I don’t get regular assessments of my performance, I don’t get feedb…
Welcome to Brand Matters – the next generation of the previously named Cultural Leadership blog. Brand Matters will be exploring the opportu…
Following on from last week’s introduction to personal brand, let’s start with two words that everyone interested in building a personal bra…
You need to find out who doesn’t get your logo, if it’s your target audience then you could be in a bit of trouble, but if it’s not that tha…
I talk about brand just about every day of the week (and quite a bit here as well). To people I know, to people I have just met, to complete…
With more ‘searches’ conducted at YouTube than on Yahoo and MSN, it’s obvious that Youtube is a major force in the online space. The fact …
There is a common misconception that my name is my brand, but in reality while your name is the face of your brand, one of the points of con…