Rule number one. It is always your fault. When your name is the one making headlines in the media and derided on Twitter and Facebook, it is…

Rule number one. It is always your fault. When your name is the one making headlines in the media and derided on Twitter and Facebook, it is…
Banks are back in the news for all the wrong reasons. And begs the question, what promises are our banks making? In the over competitive…
Richard Branson has been in town this week and I was interested to learn his insights into the importance he places on the people that work …
In honour of the new site, today’s blog is dedicated to brand for start-up businesses. There are a lot of snake oil…
Brand is the result. Not the goal. It’s one of the reasons I maintain that you can’t have a brand out of the gate – start-ups and new…
Seth Godin posted a blog last week about promises. In summary he was talking about the importance of keeping the promises you make and I cou…
I don’t often talk about the tactical marketing side of brand delivery and that leads to quite a few people thinking that I don’t see it as …
I’ve often blogged about how people talk about the business they work for. People often relate to a business as if it was a single person, r…
A number of years ago I worked with a political candidate in the US. She wanted to understand her brand foundations (promise, values, positi…
A simple way to look at brand equity is difference between the price you could charge for your product or service and the price you could ch…
I am working with a number of people right now on different projects but there is one issue that keeps jumping up and causing consternation …
I operate under the rule of thumb that if you have been in business for a time (three plus years is a good starting point), you have a brand…