I was speaking at an event a few years ago and one of the other speakers talking about “brand” mentioned how they start with what the market…

I was speaking at an event a few years ago and one of the other speakers talking about “brand” mentioned how they start with what the market…
A new bank advertising campaign is manna from heaven for bloggers. I tried to resist joining the fray, but then a friend asked me last week …
I’m pretty much sick and tired of rhetoric from gurus telling companies they need to be WOWing their customers. The fact is most struggle …
I am often asked, “What’s the one thing I can do?” My return question is most usually, “To do what?” Because it depends. Someti…
I’ve sworn off using the term “brand” (or even Bob for that matter) for a month. Actually I tweeted my intention last week so in reality I’v…
An article on 24/7 Wall Street this past week outlined the “Nine Most Damaged Brands in America”.
It’s nice to see the media starting to …
I’m currently working on a naming project for a new enterprise. Confidentiality clauses mean I can’t reveal the details about who they a…
A friend described the following scenario to me via email.
A business he advises keeps getting distracted by new opportunities before the…
“The enemy of clarity is insincerity” is a great line. I wish I could claim authorship of it, but it comes paraphrased from a quote by G…
It’s been such a bad week on promises for corporates here in Australia I’m not even sure where to start. I have noted in the past that “Bobs…
There are words out there that have become empty shells of their former selves; inappropriately used and hackneyed shorthand for not much at…