For years, we have satisfied ourselves with the “how” consumers interact with our brands. The missing link has always been the “why” consume…
A friend took their life in their hands at the weekend and bravely forwarded me an article on “rebranding” (or, as I call it, the word that …
I was at the Smart Company Smart 50 Awards last week, chatting to those who had made the list and enjoying hearing their stories about how t…
VB announced last week that it was returning the alcohol content of their beer back to the original strength of 4.9%. A few years ago they r…
The great game of business is all about change. It is about adapting to the environment – listening and responding to all stakeholders. …
Saw a tweet from @trevoryoung about some problems he was having getting @Avis Car Rental to respond to his problem. Well, no wonder, I thoug…
By way of full disclosure: I work with people to help them understand and uncover things that make up their personal brands. But where I dra…
Customer loyalty is top on the list of strategic goals of many companies, and to my thinking that is very last place it should be.
It is no surprise to anyone who knows me that the constant discussion of brand from a marketing-centric standpoint drives me around the twis…
Do you sometimes find yourself heading to the shops for one item and leaving with a boot full of shopping bags? Do you spot a store and get …
There is a common misconception that my name is my brand, but in reality while your name is the face of your brand, one of the points of con…