An associate sent me an article from Fast Company the other week called “Why it’s important to integrate honesty into your brand”.
An associate sent me an article from Fast Company the other week called “Why it’s important to integrate honesty into your brand”.
Cyber Monday continues to grow around the world. It’s the largest online shopping day in the US, being the first working day after the US Th…
In light of the Virgin Australia stake in Tiger Airways this past week, I was thinking about the promises they make. One of my issues with T…
Last week I published a bit about what I think made the first five on my “Brands that I like list” work. The second five from my original po…
“And while the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the …
A couple of weeks ago I published a list of brands that I like with the promise that I would expand on what I think makes them work.
Do you know who you are? This is a really important question in today’s digital economy. I was gathering information on this when I came…
Brand and behavioural change expert Adam Ferrier was one of the star attractions at Australian Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s firs…
Just returning from a conference in Hong Kong, in which I heard a senior executive speak about the challenges ahead for tobacco companies fa…
There’s a slight change of plan for this week. I am still putting together more detailed analysis of the “Brands that I like” from last week…
When I speak at events, one of the questions I am nearly always asked is to name some examples of “good” brands. I always take that to m…
From the moment his fateful words were captured on video and shared around there has been no shortage of commentary and hand-wringing about …